Nuclear personality before nuclear plant i don't charge for being fair
Wife Beating Phobia
31 May 2023

Dear Mr. Hassan,

As a proud Muslim, and after thoroughly reading your article (including one other article of yours, and watching 2 videos you referred to), its safe for me to conclude that:

1- Your latest article is a copy of your past articles/videos and adds no value, as it doesn't address the most important point that Dr. Hashimi offered in his clip, as explained below as "The Jewish Law"!

2- Your a sincere, but a simple minded person, as explained below as "The Law Making Science"!

The Jewish Law
You must have rightly felt deeply troubled by the new point Dr. Hashimi offered in his clip (which you didn't address), but kept constantly looking for ways to avoid possible profound implications Dr. Hashimi's new point has on your negative position against Qur’an and Islam!

You didn't address Dr. Hashimi's reference to the Jewish law, in his attempt to prove that beating in verse 4:34 only refers to a husband suspecting his wife  unlawfully fornicating with a stranger (which is not uncommon, specially in the Liberal Western societies).This is a totally new point, that you as a sincere and unbiased intellectual should have appreciated, analysed, diagnosed and addressed. But you didn't!

I am not trying to defend Dr. Hashimi's opinion, but simply trying to highlight that you haven't addressed his proposition fairly and without biase!

The Law Making Science
Like you, I am still convinced that the word Edhribohonah (ٱضۡرِبُوهُنَّۖ) in verse 4:34 refers to beating. This vesre, which covers an Islamic law, is clearly disturbing to you but not necessarily to me, even though I have never laid my hand on my wife or another woman, exactly as the prophet Muhammad may peace and blessing of Allah be upon him never beat his wives or other woman (except for my fights with my beloved younger sister when I was a foolish masculine child).

But, as Imam Ibn Taimiyah said in his Fatawi, the art of law making doesn't lie in one’s ability to chose between two goods (that's obvious), but the art is in being able to choose between two unavoidable bads, such as choosing the unavoidable imprisonment punishment of an individual (which is bad) to avoid a bigger bad on the society. Although the act of imprisoning a soul in its self is bad, sometimes we have to accept it to prevent a bigger bad!

How come the 20th century Western liberal societies that severely punished drug addicts, suddenly discovered in the 21st century that punishment of a drug addict is morally unacceptable, say you can take drugs after all!?

These Liberal societies know very well that drugs are bad, yet they adopted this unavoidable and bad drug friendly law that is intended to do lesser damage. The law makers in these Liberal Western societies are simply practicing their right to chose between two bads!

Now, is this latest drug friendly law the right approach?!

Well, one has to wait for decades to know the answer, as it took decades to conclude that: Decades of Liberal Western societies fighting drug addicts was the wrong approach. Its a trial an error approach (a pilot project) with no guarantees. Good luck with this and other experiments!

As for the Vesre 4:34, it could not have been addressing the Arabic community during the prophet Muhammad's period, may peace and blessing of Allah be upon him, because there are many reports that confirm woman beating being shameful act in that Arabic society (before and after Islam). Hence, this law must be addressing other troubled societies with their tendency to beat females, as in the current Liberal Western societies. When I was a young student in the United States of America, I asked a young American girl, who used to date Arabs: Why you don't date American boys? She replied: Because Arabs are romantic and don't beat me!

As rage is the most common precursor of societies suffering from masculinity foolishness, satisfying the ego of a masculine person in rage by obtaining his buy-in to keep the beating as a third (last) resort, is a logical deterrent strategy that aims at calming down the person in rage, hence managing his rage and the beating phobia. Its hard to imagine a person remaining raged for days, while going through the Qur’anic solution, where the raged husband has to go through the first stage (cautioning) and second stage (maintaining a space) for days. In worst case, he gets to beat his wife as hard as a male coach beats the back of his female players!

Hence, verse 4:34 contains a wife beating deterrent law for troubled societies (such as Liberal Western societies) that addresses risks of masculinity phobia. Such indepth law could only be made by the creator of the universe, who knows the psychology of his free creation. Such indepth laws can only be appreciated by expert law makers!

No wonder why Prophet Muhammad was honored by the U.S. Supreme Court as one of the greatest lawgivers of the world in 1935!

I pray to Allah to grant you and your loved ones the best of this life and the life after


2 Arabs
3 Others
4 Muslims
The latest articles
Wife Beating Phobia
31 May 2023

Dear Mr. Hassan,

As a proud Muslim, and after thoroughly reading your article (including one other article of yours, and watching 2 videos you referred to), its safe for me to conclude that:

1- Your latest article is a copy of your past articles/videos and adds no value, as it doesn't address the most important point that Dr. Hashimi offered in his clip, as explained below as "The Jewish Law"!

2- Your a sincere, but a simple minded person, as explained below as "The Law Making Science"!

The Jewish Law
You must have rightly felt deeply troubled by the new point Dr. Hashimi offered in his clip (which you didn't address), but kept constantly looking for ways to avoid possible profound implications Dr. Hashimi's new point has on your negative position against Qur’an and Islam!

You didn't address Dr. Hashimi's reference to the Jewish law, in his attempt to prove that beating in verse 4:34 only refers to a husband suspecting his wife  unlawfully fornicating with a stranger (which is not uncommon, specially in the Liberal Western societies).This is a totally new point, that you as a sincere and unbiased intellectual should have appreciated, analysed, diagnosed and addressed. But you didn't!

I am not trying to defend Dr. Hashimi's opinion, but simply trying to highlight that you haven't addressed his proposition fairly and without biase!

The Law Making Science
Like you, I am still convinced that the word Edhribohonah (ٱضۡرِبُوهُنَّۖ) in verse 4:34 refers to beating. This vesre, which covers an Islamic law, is clearly disturbing to you but not necessarily to me, even though I have never laid my hand on my wife or another woman, exactly as the prophet Muhammad may peace and blessing of Allah be upon him never beat his wives or other woman (except for my fights with my beloved younger sister when I was a foolish masculine child).

But, as Imam Ibn Taimiyah said in his Fatawi, the art of law making doesn't lie in one’s ability to chose between two goods (that's obvious), but the art is in being able to choose between two unavoidable bads, such as choosing the unavoidable imprisonment punishment of an individual (which is bad) to avoid a bigger bad on the society. Although the act of imprisoning a soul in its self is bad, sometimes we have to accept it to prevent a bigger bad!

How come the 20th century Western liberal societies that severely punished drug addicts, suddenly discovered in the 21st century that punishment of a drug addict is morally unacceptable, say you can take drugs after all!?

These Liberal societies know very well that drugs are bad, yet they adopted this unavoidable and bad drug friendly law that is intended to do lesser damage. The law makers in these Liberal Western societies are simply practicing their right to chose between two bads!

Now, is this latest drug friendly law the right approach?!

Well, one has to wait for decades to know the answer, as it took decades to conclude that: Decades of Liberal Western societies fighting drug addicts was the wrong approach. Its a trial an error approach (a pilot project) with no guarantees. Good luck with this and other experiments!

As for the Vesre 4:34, it could not have been addressing the Arabic community during the prophet Muhammad's period, may peace and blessing of Allah be upon him, because there are many reports that confirm woman beating being shameful act in that Arabic society (before and after Islam). Hence, this law must be addressing other troubled societies with their tendency to beat females, as in the current Liberal Western societies. When I was a young student in the United States of America, I asked a young American girl, who used to date Arabs: Why you don't date American boys? She replied: Because Arabs are romantic and don't beat me!

As rage is the most common precursor of societies suffering from masculinity foolishness, satisfying the ego of a masculine person in rage by obtaining his buy-in to keep the beating as a third (last) resort, is a logical deterrent strategy that aims at calming down the person in rage, hence managing his rage and the beating phobia. Its hard to imagine a person remaining raged for days, while going through the Qur’anic solution, where the raged husband has to go through the first stage (cautioning) and second stage (maintaining a space) for days. In worst case, he gets to beat his wife as hard as a male coach beats the back of his female players!

Hence, verse 4:34 contains a wife beating deterrent law for troubled societies (such as Liberal Western societies) that addresses risks of masculinity phobia. Such indepth law could only be made by the creator of the universe, who knows the psychology of his free creation. Such indepth laws can only be appreciated by expert law makers!

No wonder why Prophet Muhammad was honored by the U.S. Supreme Court as one of the greatest lawgivers of the world in 1935!

I pray to Allah to grant you and your loved ones the best of this life and the life after


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